Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Uniquely, Not Unique!

I have always thought that the thing most unique about Singapore and Singaporeans is that we are NOT unique. At first instance, this may sound like an oxymoronic statement.

Singapore is a small nation but so are at least 50 other nations, eg Brunei, Cyprus, Luxembourg, etc (ie population of less 1.5 million). Singapore is indeed a multi-cultural metropolis but so are Australia, Malaysia, US and UK.

Just in case you think you detect a pinch of demission, it is not. On the contrary, as a Singaporean, I am extremely proud of the fact that we are ordinary. At the recent Olympics in Beijing, two rather ordinary looking blokes - Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt achieved what most would consider super-human feat. In every aspect, they are just like you and me - and yet they are able to perform extraordinarily.

So what is unique about Singapore? Through our ordinary people, our one-party government, and in spite of our limited landscape and almost no natural resources we are able to make a little red dot perform extraordinary feats and if I may further indulge in my metaphoric reference to the two olympians, in record breaking time too.

I take pride that we are uniquely not unique.

Crosby Ong
(Please excuse my poorly updated blog)

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