Sunday, May 08, 2005

Tribute to Mothers

Today I pay tribute to one of the greatest people on earth - mothers!

One of the toughest, thankless, 24/7, least respected, under-valued, overlooked vocation on earth. Sadly, many of our modern (working) women are just as guilty of perpectuating this misconception.

A mother is a child-bearer, breast-feeder, parent, mentor, counsellor, teacher, tuitor, domestic cleaner, seamstress, chef, babysitter, play-mate to children, chauffeur, human alarm-clock, homemaker, nurse, etc....all in one. And these are over and above her role as wife, and in many cases these days, career woman.

I think it is a crime to remember one's mother only on Mother's Day. I think is a bloody shame that there are women (and men - understandably stupid) who think and perpectuate the idea that being a full-time-stay-at-home mother prevents a women from realising her "full" potential. I think is sad and deceitful, if not catatrosphic, that governments all over the world entice mothers with rewards to return to the workforce. No domestic helper, no first-class nursery or child-care centre, not even the most caring grandparent can possibly replace a mother.

I genuinely and sincerely respect and envy mothers. Mothers are one of my heroes. Nobody exemplify respect and selfless love for another human being like a mother does. I've heard and witness many amazing fathers who are sacrificial and selfless but mothers outnumber them hands down. I know of mothers who have to resort to doing some of the most shameful things to themselves for the sake of their children. No amount of campaigns or social programmes can influence the adults of tomorrow like a mother (and father too) can.

I beseech all women to carefully consider the challenge of being a fulltime-stay-at-home mother. I do realise that it is becoming increasingly difficult to be one. But do not let the opportunity to realise indeed your true and full potential as a human being pass without serious deliberation and attempt. I respect some are just not able to for valid reasons.

I am truly privileged to have met and known many such mothers. Not least, my late mother (who taught me how to be a man) and my wife (who inspires me to be a husband and father). If heaven should ever have place for only one kind of people, let them be mothers.

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