Picture taken at Genting Highlands [2004]
My first-born and only daughter turns 16 today. I remember very vividly two things about her when she was a baby. She had lovely curly hair and always had a smile in her face.
Her name Charissa is a latinised version of the Greek word "charis" meaning "grace or gift of God". Indeed she is. As a baby, she was very easy to look after. I remember rushing home everyday wanting to play, cuddle and talk to her. I used to spend a lot of time with her. I miss being able to cuddle you. I miss being able to talk to you more freely. Sometimes I feel like I no longer understand you, and this makes me extremely sad.
I enjoy watching you excel in sports. I'm very happy that you love music although we obviously prefer rather different genre. I'm very proud of your many talents. I do know you do put a considerable effort in your studies. If I'm hard on you it's because I think what's require of you to excel in your studies is going to be just as difficult. And I genuinely believe you got what it takes to achieve your goals but they are not going to be without some "pain".
I hope you'll be able to achieve your dreams - school-wise, career-wise and life-wise. I hope you'll grow up to be as wonderful a woman as your mummy - beautiful both in character and physically, self-less, strong and wise.
I love you very much - more than I get to express these days! Happy birthday to my only princess!