Picture of the Gentle-Giant [August 2004]
Today is our 3rd & youngest child's birthday, Saul Joseph Ong. I remember very vividly this day in 1993 at 6.53pm. He was an 8 pounder - plus 11 oz to be precise.
We had very wonderful and positive experiences with our first two children (Charissa & Paul) and so thought it would make good company for our children and ourselves if we had an additional child. And so we asked God for another child. Hence, his firstname, Saul, which means "ask for" in Hebrew.
I love his sense of humour, his interesting choices of music, his love for football & rugby. He's probably the healthiest (though not the fittest) among the kids. He's still young & have lots to learn and experience. He's a gentle giant.
My dear Saul, I wish you success in all your endeavours. I hope you'll mature into a strong, courageous, gentle, sensitive and confident man. I love you very much. Happy Birthday!